It was incredibly rewarding to present the Out There Jazz Suite at the Walters Cultural Arts Center for an amazing audience on April 21. Thank you all for your support and encouragement! The reviews are in...

  • "Hearing The Out There Jazz Suite live was amazing."
  • "...a lovely concert and a great setting."
  • "...magical evening."
  • "Better than chocolate!"
  • "It was an amazing experience!" 
  • "...a flawless and polished performance and really enjoyable. Congratulations!"
  • "Bravi to you all!" of the more interesting projects we've heard this year.” - Lynn Darroch

KMHD Jazz Radio - Bright Moments Cafe

Thank you!

Our debut concert was a big success

There was great energy and support at our album release concert. It was really fun to see so many wonderful people getting together to enjoy art, music, and community. The music is now available on CD or digital platforms (Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Youtube, etc.)

Out There Jazz Suite

Out There Quartet - photo by Jonathan Swanson

The Recording

at Dead Aunt Thelma's Studio, Portland

Engineer, Dean Baskerville (center), brought his skill, artistry, and experience to the project.

Inspirational Artworks

Magnolia Park by Lynn Adamo Dancing Chairs by James Schmidt
Barometer by Devin Laurence Field Head Over Heels by Patrick Dougherty
Reflected Past by Beliz Brother Elemental Sequence by Dann Nardi
Dynamic Orbits by Adrian Litman Jackson Bottom Mist by Amanda Houston
A & W Burger Family  Flight by Robert Middlestead

Thank you to these artists for creating these works and for their conversations about the Out There musical project.

Photos of Inspirational Artworks